Smarter Impact Starts Here

Introducing our Book Group Facilitation Guide!

Introducing our Book Group Facilitation Guide!

When we first conceived of the book, Transforming Disruption to Impact, our goal was to spark conversation about the innovations and adaptations that have been vital to sustaining the power of volunteers despite the many disruptions we have all experienced in recent...

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Rethinking Service Days – Join our Conversation

Rethinking Service Days – Join our Conversation

MLK Jr. Day of Service 2023 is right around the corner, with all its potential and promise. Yet, are you stuck trying to recreate a model of service from 2019 or earlier? If so, I encourage you to rethink and reimagine. In a January, 2021 VQ blog post, I shared shared...

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Mattering: The Growing Volunteer Motivator

Mattering: The Growing Volunteer Motivator

The sticky note on the side of my desk reads, "Making a difference is a way to know you matter." Uncharacteristically (and regrettably!), I didn’t write down which colleague or friend said that while on a conference call, but I know that, as soon as I heard it, I...

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4 Reasons to Embrace Gen-Mix Volunteerism

4 Reasons to Embrace Gen-Mix Volunteerism

From lockdowns to mask-wearing to vaccination, COVID-19 has been one of the most polarizing issues of our time. Among these stark divisions—arising from perceived vulnerability to the virus, both in health and economic terms—is the one between the generations. This...

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New Book Convenes Voices Across Sector

New Book Convenes Voices Across Sector

Imagine you had the ability to invite the leading thinkers in volunteer engagement, corporate engagement, philanthropy, nonprofit leadership - along with volunteers, too - to a dinner party to reflect on the challenges of the last few years and share their ideas and...

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Navigating the Conundrum of Auxiliaries

Navigating the Conundrum of Auxiliaries

They go by many different names – volunteer councils, auxiliaries, “friends” groups, and more – but regardless of their varied titles, such groups share a great deal. Designed to assist and support an organization (and most commonly hospitals, museums, libraries, and...

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