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Trends and Issues in Volunteer Engagement
Transforming Disruption to Impact
60 minutes
For generations, engaging volunteers has been a vital strategy for communities to solve problems. Yet, the events since 2020 have disrupted how people work and volunteer. While disruption can be devastating, it can also be the impetus to release ourselves from “the way we’ve always done things.” If viewed as an opportunity, disruption invites us to revisit, rethink, and reinvent the way we achieve mission. In this session, hear stories of organizations that unlocked that potential and learn from the lessons which you, too, can apply to sustain your organization regardless of what the future holds. This session will also be a preview of the new book, Transforming Disruption to Impact: Rethinking Volunteer Engagement for a Rapidly Changing World.
Presented in partnership with Sterling Volunteers. Click here to view this session.
Top to Bottom Volunteer Program Planning
60 minutes
Are you considering starting a volunteer program – or expanding the program your organization already has? Planning is the key to developing a program that is sustainable and impactful. This session will demystify the planning process through 5 key steps to planning a volunteer program, including the Why, How, Who, What, and When of engaging volunteers. Planning is what can transform your program into a strategy, and it can convert your organization’s volunteer involvement into impact.
Presented in partnership with Sterling Volunteers. Click here to view this session.
Volunteer Roles
Designing for Success: Developing Volunteer Roles
60 minutes
Successful engagement begins with the right opportunity – one that meets the needs of both the volunteer and the organization. Crafting position descriptions ensures that the role is meaningful, and can be instrumental in finding qualified people, making a good match, and setting volunteers up for success. This session will focus on the elements of position descriptions, who should be involved in writing them, which elements should be negotiable, and how to leverage position descriptions for recruitment.
Scoping, Sourcing, and Supporting Projects for Skills-Based Volunteers
60 minutes
The prospect of engaging a pro bono team of volunteers to address a specific project at your organization can be both appealing and daunting. Through case studies and tips, we will demystify the process by sharing steps to guide you through scoping a project, sourcing a volunteer team to complete the project, and establishing a culture of support and accountability. Through your success, you will then be able to inspire others to engage skilled volunteers in project-based work across the organization.
Presented in partnership with Sterling Volunteers. Click here to view this webinar.
Recruitment and Cultivation
Recruit and Rebuild Your Volunteer Base
59 minutes
Are you challenged with recruiting new volunteers? You aren’t alone. Recruitment difficulties are pervasive across the sector. While new circumstances demand new tactics, no one “quick fix” exists. Instead, by understanding shifting volunteer expectations, we can adjust our strategies accordingly. In this session, learn what research tells us about recruitment and volunteer expectations, then explore such tactics as adapting volunteer roles to attract new volunteers, leveraging volunteer personas, and nurturing partnerships to build your volunteer pipeline.
Click here to view this session.
Screening and Placement
Finding the Fit: Interview and Screening Tips
30 Minutes
Impactful engagement relies on finding the best match between your organization’s needs and the skills and interests of prospective volunteers. This session will explore the elements of a volunteer screening process and best practices for interviewing volunteers, including behavioral interviewing techniques, and understanding and overcoming bias. Learn how to develop a comprehensive screening strategy, develop high-impact interview questions, and what to do when the fit isn’t there.
Support and Accountability
Virtual Volunteers: Keys to Success and Sustainability
60 minutes
More and more organizations have begun to rely on a blended workforce – with staff and volunteers working on-site and on-line. However, in recent years, engaging volunteers virtually became the norm for many organizations. Learn tools and tips to adapt best practices in engagement to the virtual arena and expand virtual training opportunities. Participants will receive tools to assess virtual volunteer roles, support accountability, and develop effective virtual training plans.
Presented in partnership with Sterling Volunteers. Click here to view this session.
Building and Nurturing Volunteer Communities
60 minutes
Whether volunteers serve on-site or remotely, ensuring that volunteers feel a part of something bigger than just themselves can transform one-time volunteers into truly engaged volunteers. In this session, discover the benefits of nurturing a sense of community among volunteers and discover seven principles that foster community. Leave with tips on how to leverage social media, strategically design communications, check-in regularly, and celebrate together – even if virtually. Remember, individuals often start volunteering to make a difference, but they stay when they develop relationships and feel a part of a team.
Presented in partnership with Sterling Volunteers. Click here to view this webinar.
Retaining Volunteers Amid Uncertainty: Converting One-Timers to Repeat Volunteers
60 Minutes
Though volunteer rates are rising, individuals are less likely to make long term commitments, especially in a world of uncertainties. Yet, certain best practices can help transform episodic volunteers into repeat volunteers so that you not only deliver valued services but also connect participants to future opportunities for impactful volunteering. This session will explore changing definitions of retention and feature case studies of organizations who effectively inspire some first-timers to return again and again.
Presented in partnership with Sterling Volunteers Click here to view this webinar
Enhancing Volunteer Engagement through Internal Partnerships
60 Minutes
In a culture of volunteer engagement, volunteer managers and directors do much more than “just” manage volunteers. Instead, they are strategic partners, change agents, content experts, administrative leaders, and champions. In other words, they serve as internal business partners – supporting and inspiring staff throughout the organization to engage volunteers impactfully and efficiently. It can be challenging to influence without authority – but business partnering can be a path towards success. In this session, learn the competencies of being an effective business partner and how they can apply to strategic volunteer engagement.
Presented in partnership with Sterling Volunteers. Click here to view this webinar.
Setting up for Success: Training Staff and Volunteers
60 Minutes
Organizations that effectively train both volunteers and the staff who engage and support them are more adaptable, sustainable, and impactful. Boost your team’s job satisfaction and effectiveness by training staff and volunteers for success.
Presented in partnership with Sterling Volunteers (formerly Verified Volunteers).
Click here to view this webinar