Engagement professionals invest a lot of time and resources in training volunteers, developing volunteer leaders, and...
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What is Strategic Volunteer Engagement?
What is strategic volunteer engagement - and why does it matter? Driven by the power of volunteer energy and grounded...
Dear VQ… How can I inspire our team to plan for volunteers?
This morning, an email arrived from a volunteer manager I've known for many years, and she shared this request: I'm...
Drumroll, please! Landmark Research on Volunteer Engagement & Funding
Today was a longtime coming. After years of meetings, dialogue, presentations, advocacy, (and yes, maybe even some...
Introducing our Book Group Facilitation Guide!
When we first conceived of the book, Transforming Disruption to Impact, our goal was to spark conversation about the...
Rethinking Service Days – Join our Conversation
MLK Jr. Day of Service 2023 is right around the corner, with all its potential and promise. Yet, are you stuck trying...
Mattering: The Growing Volunteer Motivator
The sticky note on the side of my desk reads, "Making a difference is a way to know you matter." Uncharacteristically...
Reduce the Recruitment Challenge: Feedback Key to Gen Z Engagement
As workplaces struggle to hire and retain employees, nonprofits and other mission-driven organizations have parallel...
4 Reasons to Embrace Gen-Mix Volunteerism
From lockdowns to mask-wearing to vaccination, COVID-19 has been one of the most polarizing issues of our time. Among...